Clear the Road and Eliminate the Hitlerite Artillery! | ||||||||||||||
This was a 4-session play-through with the determined & wily, Grognard Gunny led defending elements of German of the 6th Panzer Division in this battle in relatively open terrain on 2 maps. I again led attacking elements of the Soviet 2nd Tank Division. The Germans drew an excellent batch of leaders, while the Russian leaders were middling at best. To secure a major victory, the Soviets must: 1) eliminate more German than Soviet steps (artillery & tanks count double) and German truck units lost also count in this odd scenario, 2) no good order German unit occupies a hex of the east-west road, and 3) at least 3 German artillery units have been eliminated. Once again, this will be hard nut for the combined arms Russian force to crack, with the possibility of an entire German armored battalion arriving as reinforcements from the south sometime after 1100 (game turn 5). We used the FOW, consolidation, excess initiative, strategic movement and extended assault optional rules. We also used these 2 house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units - All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 of a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, and 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units — All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up, across, or down slopes hexes. Our fast-paced & bloody initial session (game turns 1-3) featured the Russians moving west on the road, on to the Map, seizing the bridge hex & moving adjacent to the town – into heavy opfire and accurately-placed, OBA. On the 2nd game turn, the Germans lost their first AT gun (75mm IG) and the Soviets lost their first infantry step. The third turn became lethal for the Wehrmacht with 7 step losses to a combination of overruns of loaded trucks by the speedy Russian BT-7 light tanks, and also in urban close assaults. By session’s end, German initiative had been reduced 2 levels thanks to these heavy casualties, which also included a leader. The second session (game turns 4-5) featured the entry of the reinforcing German tank contingent in what was otherwise a grim & bloody session for the defending Jerries, who lost 6 more steps – including both mortar platoons – as well as a pair of junior leaders. The Axis initiative level fell again as the Landsers began withdrawing from the 5-hex town on Map 03. Our fast-paced, third session (game turns 6-7) featured multiple captures of German trucks, some infantry and a leader in the north woods on Map 03. Another leader was captured in the open southwest of the 5-hex town. The victory point tall was now 14 for the advancing Soviets and 2 for the German defenders. The Bolsheviks secured at the town and the bulk of their armor began moving southwest across the open plain. The fourth session (game turns 8-10) featured the continued Soviet advance with the loss of another 4 steps, that included a third artillery unit. By mutual agreement the German side conceded a minor Soviet victory at the start of the 10th game turn. There were 6 FOW-shortened game turns of 10 played. This is a relatively-balanced, but very gamey and flawed, one that was fun to play with a cunning and gracious opponent. The victory conditions need a rewrite. As published I give it a generous 3, and note that the Soviet side is a harder pull, and should be played by the more experienced gamer. It is recommended for both SOLO and SHARED play, though the victory conditions need a rewrite. |