Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell
Back Up, Back Down
Author battlecarrysabot
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2025-03-20
Language English
Scenario ElsR002

The Americans begin entrenched along the north-south road on Board 25, with one entrenchment on the crossroads itself and another 600m to the north. Both are defended by four Infantry Platoons either in the entrenchments or dug-in. The remaining American entrenchment occupies the crossroads on Board 23 between the two villages. The American strategy revolves around denying east-west movement along both Boards and defend in depth.

The Germans enter in three groups. The northern group of six Infantry Platoons and two MG Platoons moves through the woods towards the northern American entrenchment. The center group moves towards the crossroads, with the same composition as the northern group. The southern group moves to bypass to the south and attack the Americans dug-in along the Board transition along the road.

Immediately American artillery begins to disrupt the center German forces as they approach, but fail to impede the northern German advance. German artillery has little effect on the American positions. After an hour the Germans are ready to assault in the north but still recovering morale in the center. The southern group has bypassed but the Captain on the ground chooses to move west rather than north-west to attempt a seizure of the southern town defended only by an Infantry Platon and 3-inch gun.

The German assault in the north is middling at best, attacking into the dug-in two Infantry Platoons first. The German lower morale is brutal and the Americans continue to defend in the light woods. In the center the Germans concentrate all artillery and direct fire and continue to advance on foot. In the south the Germans encounter the American 81mm mortars and seize the opportunity to assault.

The Germans proceed to assault the center American postions at the crossroads just as German reinforcements arrive and the Germans clear the dug-in position to the north of the crossroads. As the southern Germans move towards the town, the American LTC reinforces the town with a second infantry Platoon and a MG Platoon. The opportunity fire is murderous and the Germans suffer several steps of losses. Finally, a small group of Infantry Platoons and Hetzer Platoons bypass north to attack the westernmost American elements on Board 23 to accerlate the seizure of the east-west road.

Both of the major assaults on Board 25 become a revolving door of German units and reinforcements, while the Americans settle into a routine of defending from the entrenchments and then recovering to prepare for the next wave. The Germans make progress slowly, clearing but dug-in positions, but are suffering 3-to-1 step losses in the entrenchments, and running out of time.

The American LTC moves the MG Platoon back to the crossroads entrenchment on Board 23, and counterattacks the German southern bypass force, down to one full strength and two demoralized Infantry Platoons. The German Captain and Lieutenant are killed in the assault, and the Germans are chased back toward the woods on Board 25. The northern bypass group is steadily making progress, but the Germans are running out of time and forces available.

As the final turns arrive, the Hetzer supported Infantry Company attacks the western crossroads on Board 23 with great success - it only takes the Germans 30 mins to defeat the two dug-in American Infantry Platoons and establish blocking postions oriented west. On Board 25, the Germans clear the two entrenchments on the final turn of the scenario, but they've taken too many losses and taken too long.

Having destroyed 24 German steps and still in controlled of the road on both Board 23 and 25, the Americans retain a major victory even though the Americans suffer 18 steps of loss themselves.

Conclusion: American Major Victory

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