Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell
Early Morning Draw
Author battlecarrysabot
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2025-03-18
Language English
Scenario ElsR001

The Americans begin entrenched and dug-in along the east-west road. Two entrenchments guard the crossroads and one entrenchment and dug-in positions guard the western 40-meter hill. Forces are spread evenly between the positions with the 3-inch AT gun setup on the 40-meter hill.

The Germans enter the eastern edge in three groups. A northern attack group of six infantry Platoons, a center group comprising of the MG platoons and 75mm infantry gun, and a southern group of the remaining infantry Platoons. The massive artillery allocation is immediately felt as the lead German officer spots in on the easternmost entrenchment. While the Americans only take morale losses, the stage is set for the Germans to advance.

The battle for the entrenchment east of the crossroads goes smoothly for the Germans. Advancing under the cover of darkness, artillery and direct fire support, the Germans approach unscathed with the northern attack groupd and assault. Losses are minimal and over the next hour the Germans secure the entrenchment, turning attention to the crossroads entrenchment.

As dawn breaks, both the German and American reinforcements arrive. The German reinforcements move along the northern edge of the map to flank the Americans west of the crossroads, and the American reinforces move west in a meeting engagement, attempting to dig-in to the light woods to the northwest of the crossroads.

The assault at the crossroads begins. The Americans begin the defense well, inflicting two step losses on the Germans, but the Germans still have plenty of Platoons to throw at the problem. With the eastern entrenchment seized, the Germans reorganize and move southwest to seize the 40-meter hill from the Americans and lay down direct fire support. During the consolidation phase, the 75mm IG is destroyed and two MG Platoons become demoralized. Regardless the infantry press on towards the 40-meter hill, following their outstanding Battalion Commander (LTC, 11-1-2).

In the North the American reinforcements have completed digging-in and begin the defense of the northern woods. The German reinforcement infantry Company sees no success, and over the course of 30 minutes they are repulsed, however, with this assault they reach 6 American steps destroyed and have met a minor victory.

The crossroads assault is a rotating door of German Platoons, but they are making slow progress. One American MG Platoon remains, but continues to get very lucky with assault rolls, scoring two "2"s and a "12" on consecutive turns to attrite the Germans.

The LTC's group of infantry to the south continue their advance towards the 40-meter hill, where an American MG Platoon and 3-inch gun await dug-in. Without artillery en masse or direct fire support, much of the force is disrupted and a Platoon destroyed approaching the hill. The LTC presses the attack. The American MG Platoon scores a hit on the LTC and his hex, killing him. The Germans pass decapitation checks, but the attack is quickly losing momentum.

Finally, the Germans clear the crossroads entrenchment, but they lose their 10th step, bringing the attack back to even with the Americans. The Germans at the 40-meter hill attack and demoralize the MG Platoon and mortar fire destroyes the 3-inch gun, but they're running out of time.

The attack on the 40-meter hill succeeds, but the Germans cannot continue the advance to seize the final American entrenchment, consolidating gains and attempting to recover morale. The Americans continue to defend the entrenchment and block the east-west road.

Conclusion: Draw

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