Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell
Bobruisk Bridgehead
Author filbox (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants unknown
Play Date 2025-02-15
Language English
Scenario PaGr017

On the 6th of July 1941, the German 10th Motorized Division was surprised by an early morning crossing of the Berezina River by the Soviet 117th Rifle Division. When approaching the supposedly already captured and overrun city of Bobruisk (now Babruisk in Belarus), the German vanguard of the occupying forces, suddenly saw an onslaught of Russian units, rushing towards the city from the south. The whole German column speeded towards the city to arrive there first when the eagle eyed Lt Col von Boxlaer suddenly noticed tanks among the Russian assailers. Immediately the orders for a general disembarkment sounded along the whole German column of trucks, leaving only the most forward elements of the column being able to reach the city. Russian tanks moved swiftly between these leaderless units and the rest of the column, cutting the Germans in the city off from support and supplies. Meanwhile, the whole of Bobruisk gets flooded with Russian troops, the ATG and 76mm rushing towards the eastside to protect the city from the tanks of the 3rd Panzer that already “liberated” the city a week before. The Germans on the other hand , tried to reach the surrounded units in the city, but failed to connect, losing a valuable Captain in the process. For the next 2 hours, the German infantry assault the Russian defenders non stop, but they simply can’t breach the stubborn Russian lines. Little by little, the German casualties stack up while the Russians can pull back into the heart of the city to regroup and resupply. At 7 AM, the German 105 batteries suddenly explode when a lucky Russian obus finds their ammunition truck, and when a few moments later the surrounded Germans still in the city succumb under the constant barrages of Russian direct fire, German morale takes a tumble. The German Lt Col immediately decides to halt the assaults on the city, sends some troops to silence the pesky mortars on the nearby southern hill, and moves his troops around the outskirts of the city to meet up with the due to arrive Panzers coming from the east. But those Panzers were clearly not in a hurry, only arriving at 9 AM, way to late to mount any decent attack on the Russian ATG line. To make matters worse, right at that moment, the Russians accomplish their own victory condition. A turn later, the German player realizes that he doesn’t have the fighting power to attack the city in earnest and orders his troops to surround the city and await further reinforcements to oust the Russians back out. The Germans only inflicted 9 steps and could never seriously threaten the Soviet occupation of Bobruisk. The very late arrival of the German tanks combined with the accurate Russian dice from the get-go, was a bit of a let down for the German player. Mind you, it could have been “game over” after only 2 turns when 6 Russian tank formations had a bead on a target rich column of fully loaded trucks, but luckily the Germans managed a perfect initiative roll to save his troops from a massacre. So overall, we would rate this scenario a 2,5. It could have been a 3,5 if the scenario would have a higher chance of the Panzers arriving earlier, or maybe already supporting the column from the start

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