Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell
King of the Hill (482)
Author Col. Sonichu
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2025-03-07
Language Català
Scenario BR01004

A Major of the 49th Tank Engineer Batallion peered westward through his binoculars from his dugout atop Hill 482 and glanced back on his batallion's prepared positions.


The major realized that their position was in enfilade to the approach of the Americans, limiting the arms that could be brought to bear on the siege. Hopefully the Italians could prevent an infiltration of the southern flank so the 49th could focus on the Western and North Western quadrants.

Distant artillery fire could be heard as the rounds of smoke began blooming immediately to the west of the crest of Hill 482, effectively screening the initial assault by the Americans.

More accurate smoke screens allowed the Americans to close the gap, nearly in assault range with little to know supression fire. A small detachment of the 16th Infantry Regiment quickly closed with the Italians to prevent their interference while the bulk of the force swarmed from the Northwest. It did not take long for the Americans to mob the dug in Germans and evict them from the crest of Hill 482. The Italians were easily dispersed and thrown into chaos with the destruction of their HQ personnel.

-- I plan to play this scenario again, this time stretching out a north to south line of defense to better receive the assaulting Americans and slow them down in their approach before falling back and digging in atop the hill. Doing this should allow the Italians to take a more effective role in the battle by linking up with the southern tip of the defensive line.

By setting up the defense on the objective hexes, only units in the two western most hexes could fire on the Americans and with the smoke screens even this was impossible.

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