Stalin's Tanks #6 - Mass Action in Kursk Oblast |
Another Dr Mike Special, a huge scenario with 12 Maps, 787 Counters this scenario plays out like three scenarios in one, would be a great to play face to face with 6 other players. Luckily for anyone who plays this scenario, it is all on Vassal, Thank You Peter, which is a big help if you are playing solo, buyer beware, due to this unique scenario, there is three times the record keeping. All three German attack forces broke thru the Soviet defenses, with varying casualties, the German 22nd PD punched a hole in the center of the Soviet defenses in their sector capturing the three towns (18 VPs) on maps 42 & 53, while the 37th PGD cleared a path thru the minefields and the Soviet Pak Front on map 7 with the help of two engineer companies and the Brummbars. The Tigers and PzIVhs of the 27th PD was on the far right, there are few towns to capture in this sector, the terrain on map 5 is open, this area was not as heavily defended, most of the Soviet defenses were centered on the wooded and hilly terrain on map 104 south of the E-W Road, which is a VC the Germans would have to clear all Soviet forces to win. On turn 10 the last of the three Soviet Tank Corps reinforcements rolled a 6, instead of sending each proceeding tank corps into the fight piecemeal, the Soviets combined their reinforcements into one large counter attack that fell on the German 37th PGD like a Buffalo Stampede from the old west, the Stugs, Brummbars and Pak 40’s did their best to stem the tide while the call for help went out to the two flanking PDs. First to arrive were the Panthers & PzIVs of the 22nd PD who blunted the Soviet counterattack, but the Soviets had the numbers, and it looked like they might get the upper hand, when elements of the 37th PD showed up with their Tigers, Soviet T34s were no match for Panthers & Tigers on their flanks. This fight ebbed and flowed with the Germans coming out on top winning a minor victory. |