Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 22nd:
An Army at Dawn #36 - Kasserine Pass: A Terrible Price An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #37 - Denouement
An Army at Dawn #37 - Kasserine Pass: Denouement Africa Orientale Italiana #13 - Squeezing Jelib
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #36 - A Terrible Price Africa Orientale Italiana #14 - Mabungo Bridgehead
Lots of Entrenchments
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2024-11-21
Language English
Scenario DrnT003

This a scenario where Bruce could not get moving. He staid outside of village town hes and fired. I pulled at least 3 leaders with 2 morale modifiers, with two having 10 base morale. Put one ofe those in 3 town to help adjacent units. Those units are not demoralizing often (okay with a 12).

Do be careful with one's armor. I moved next to a Sherman and did not get initiative next turn. Sherman was efficient and there went my Stug. I did get one Sherman.

Since Bruce not move his troops to the towns or entrenchments, VPs for my possession of those hexes.

My win was more due to Bruce's lack of aggressive posture

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