Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 22nd:
An Army at Dawn #36 - Kasserine Pass: A Terrible Price An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #37 - Denouement
An Army at Dawn #37 - Kasserine Pass: Denouement Africa Orientale Italiana #13 - Squeezing Jelib
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #36 - A Terrible Price Africa Orientale Italiana #14 - Mabungo Bridgehead
Author Grognard Gunny (Germany)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2025-02-10
Language English
Scenario TBRa002

Definitely misplaced my AT guns. Had a bit of a problem with the high armored Russian KV 1s and 2s. Could not, for the life f me, figure out how to negate them and with the even sneaky T-Rex as an opponent, he did not make a mistake. Mea culpa.

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