Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 22nd:
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #13 - Confusion in the Valley Conquest of Ethiopia #19 - First Tembien: Legend of Uarieu Pass
Africa Orientale Italiana #28 - Cheru Pass Eastern Front #98 - Vorontsovo III
Africa Orientale Italiana #29 - Flight from Cheru Jungle Fighting #28 - Mt. Austin X
Africa Orientale Italiana #31 - Point 1892 Jungle Fighting #31 - Hills 98 and 99
Blue Division #13 - La Segunda Panzer Grenadier #39 - Vorontsovo III
Cassino '44 #2 - Bridgehead on the Rapido Road to Berlin #20 - Drive on Baraska
Yet another . . .
Author treadasaurusrex (Italy)
Victor Italy
Participants Miguelibal
Play Date 2025-01-21
Language English
Scenario COOE018

This was another in a series of uninspired, nonplaytested, infantry-only, slugfests in the wilds of Ethiopia. We played it in 3 sessions, with the determined, MIguelibal leading the fierce Ethiopians that came in several flavors: standard troops, irregulars, etc., as well as several kinds of Italian troops that I led. Both sides drew middling leaders. The attacking Ethiopians had it all their way in the first 5 turns before they suffered a senior leader decapitation, and their fortunes subsequently went rapidly downhill. We thought that, as published, this one is better played in SOLO mode. We both give it a rating 3.

1 Comment
2025-01-21 19:38

More penance for the many sins of the tank-happy, or armor-obsessed?

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