Hold St. Vith, Captain! | ||||||||||||||
This was an introductory 3-session play-through (16 game turns) with the methodical & careful, Isra3lite, leading attacking elements of attacking German 18th Volksgrenadier in the frozen Ardennes. I led dug-in elements of the American 7th Armored Division in and around the 4-way road junction at St. Vith, Belgium. Both sides drew middling sets of leaders, though the American draw was slightly better. Isra3lite's OPLAN commentary: Looking at the terrain map in the predawn early light, I needed to rapidly take control the wooded hills north of St. Vith, before US reinforcements arrived. From the chatter over the typically noisy American comms radio, I could hear the Captain of the thinly provisioned elements of 7th Armored calling in their armored reinforcements, who were likely on their way from road to the west. Six platoons of Volksgrenadiers followed my armored units on foot along with their leaders until an illumination round exposed no fewer than two armored cavalry recon M-8 armored cars spotting for what I assume is four batteries of 3x105mm and 1x155mm howitzers, which pounded these men crossing the open terrain to the east of the wood, eventually routing and then eliminating them. Thanks to the incredible youthful energy of a newly promoted Lt, he was able to rally several squads and one complete platoon to join the rest of the advance, moving to the road north of the village. Hoping to procure a meal of Belgian Tripp sausage as a reward for taking the town, I'll be writing this AAR and letters home to the fallen that night. We just have to hold the village another couple of days until the rest of 5th Panzer Army arrives. We only used the consolidation, smoke/illum and tank riders optional rules. PLUS, these 2 house rules to simplify movement: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units - All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 of a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, and 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units — All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up, across, or down slopes hexes. Our initial session (game turns 1- part of 2 – German activation next) featured a pre-dawn movement to contact of the German horde from the east edge of Map 24. German pioneers rode in on a trio of STG-IIIG assault gun platoons, using a covered & concealed route through the light woods NW of St. Vith. Their accompanying volksgrenadiers (VGs) skirted the light woods and began probing to the SW. An American illumination round pierced the pre-dawn gloom and prompted an artillery strike that demoralized a VG platoon on the left flank of the advancing German column. The second session (game turns 2-4) featured the Germans swiftly moving into attack formation just north of St. Vith under the concealment of well-deployed, OBA smoke screen that masked their crucial combat pioneer company and armored support. American OBA was unexpectedly lethal this session, inflicting 4 step losses on the pinned-down, VG contingent. The next few turns will likely be the key to this fight as the Wehrmacht troopers and assault guns move into decisive range. Our third session (game turns 5-6) featured very few casualties as both sides jockeyed for position in the hilly woods north of St. Vith and on the north margin of the vital crossroads. Thanks to some very accurate US artillery strikes and an incredibly bold, M-8 armored car platoon, the Jerries suffered a senior leader decapitation and the capture of another leader in the open. This left just one German Lieutenant and a seriously weakened set of attackers. By mutual agreement, the Wehrmacht conceded at the conclusion of the 6th game turn when it was clear that the German victory conditions were unobtainable. This was a fun, relatively balanced, but flawed scenario, which merits a rating of 4, when played against a challenging opponent. Objectively, it probably deserves the 3 that my opponent gave it. The “all or nothing” victory conditions for the Axis side should be rewritten to allow for the possibility of a draw, or a minor victory. It was too easy for the Americans to prevail as published, and the lack of a snow rule to slow vehicular movement, is a serious oversight IMHO. I recommend it for both SOLO and SHARED play as it is a good one to attempt when learning how to maneuver and the sequence attacks. |