Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 6th:
Black Panthers #24 - Repulsed at Millingen Road to Berlin #41 - Spring Awakened
New Zealand Division #3 - Rommel's Last Battle Road to Berlin #42 - Children of Vienna
Road to Berlin #40 - Clash of Giants
Fire and Sword, scenario #17: A Bit Much
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Hungary
Play Date 2025-01-01
Language English
Scenario FiSw017

Fire and Sword, scenario #17: A Bit Much

Another interesting scenario from Fire & Sword, the Axis (Hungarians & Germans) have three victory objectives to try achieve or not. One is to eliminate more enemy steps than they lose, another is to control more town hexes than the Russian do and last to exit 12 or more units off the eastern edge of map 52, which I think it should say steps.

The visibility is only three hexes because of mist. The Axis push ahead until they run into dug-in Soviet Infantry and Guns. The Soviets also have the problem of defending a large area. The German Infantry morale is the weakest of the three nationalities in this scenario and they paid heavily trying to take a town on the farthest western edge of map 50 and pushed the Axis casualties almost too high but putting two Zrinyi armor units together put things right blasting Russian units with a 30 Direct Fire.

In the end it was really close, the Axis achieved two out of three victory objectives for a Minor Victory. The Russian lost 9 steps to the Axis 8 steps but the Axis controlled more town hexes than the Russian but there was no way to exit 12 unit/steps, as the towns had to have units in them to defend, or the Russian would have reentered them under cover of mist and denied the Axis a victory, so a very close Axis victory and a very spread out battle on these two maps.

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