Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 22nd:
Battle of the Bulge #42 - Trapped! Elsenborn Revised #10 - Elsenborn Ridge
Battle of the Bulge #43 - Ettelbruck Elsenborn Ridge #25 - Elsenborn Ridge
Battle of the Bulge #44 - Martelange and Warnach Winter Soldiers #8 - One Last Attempt
Conquest of Ethiopia #11 - Blood on Amba Tzellere Winter Soldiers #9 - What really Happened at Les Tscheous?
Enrique was Right - Avoid this Poorly-Designed Mess
Author treadasaurusrex
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2024-12-18
Language English
Scenario ElsR008

Concur with Enrique's AAR and thoughtful critique of this poorly-designed and unplaytested, unbalanced, disaster of a scenario -- desperately in-need of a thorough rewrite! This one is the PG equivalent of a "shoot 'em up" video game. No real strategy, or a coherent OPLAN is possible, given the odd, setup instructions. These could be easily corrected to indicate zones of placement for both sides, while still maintaining the historical confusion & chaos of intermixed opposing units in close terrain.

This one is suitable for SOLO play ONLY, as the setup instructions are a serious chore to attempt in shared, in-person, or online play. As published, giving it a rating of 1 n SHARED play seems more than generous, IMHO. It probably deserves a 2 in SOLO play.

1 Comment
2024-12-19 21:42

I didn't have so much trouble with it, as a scenario. It just doesn't work well if you are trying to force a plan. It is very brittle though.

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