Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 4th:
Panzer Lion #6 - Kalmu - Hill 256
Nothing really to write home about....
Author Brad_Newcomer (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants ravensworth
Play Date 2019-06-01
Language English
Scenario IN44007

This is an AAR from a game played quite a few years ago. Overall, this was a good, yet unspectacular scenario. We had to call the game due to time availability. However, we agreed that the game could have gone either way, although the US was starting to make inroads and significant progress by the time we had to call the game. Was a fun afternoon of gaming with this particular scenario. Wish I had taken some better notes on this one to report something more definitive. What I can say is that the scenario was less than fully inspiring or else I would have written more down in my notes. Hence, my rating of 3 as I considered this an "average" scenario based on my lack of notes and such!

AAR NOTE I am just now pulling these games off the shelf and recording our shared play results with my gaming buddy here in town where I live. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact date of play on some of these games. However, I do know if we played them "pre-pandemic" vs. coming "right out of the pandemic lockdowns". If you see a play date of 2019-06-01, this is for a pre-pandemic game and AAR. 2022-06-01 is for our post-pandemic gaming reboots at our local game and magic card store.

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