Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 9th:
Eastern Front #103 - Tank Battle at Parpach Iron Curtain #1 - Timberwolves
Hammer & Sickle #21 - Timberwolves
#35 Horse Holders
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-11-01
Language English
Scenario FitS035

Most of the Soviet cavalry dismounted to take up position along the road to disrupt the German advance, with about a squadron of troops were kept mounted as a reserve to counterattack any enemy breakthroughs.

The initial advance by the Germans was slow as the Soviet HMGs, mortars and mountain gun fire took a high toll but once they got their own OBA and mortars engaged, they slowly, one by one, managed to clear this first line of defenders. Other German units bypassed these Soviet strongpoints continued to move south.

The Soviet Cavalry caught a German column of wagons loaded with ATG & IGs supported by two infantry platoons but their cavalry charge was broken up with heavy casualties in men & horses. The Germans were able to get 12 units off the south edge and eliminate more steps but were not able to clear the road.

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