Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 6th:
Edelweiss #11 - Ski Battle Edelweiss: Expanded #14 - Sinking Skiers
Edelweiss IV #20 - Sinking Skiers Road to Berlin #74 - Czech Mate
The shameless Boche...they show their tails to our mighty French guns and run...for the win...
Author cjsiam (France)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-05-31
Language English
Scenario FaoF015

Oh the humanity....An interesting tactical to stop and engage tanks that want to run past you? You have two armor leaders and 4 armor units....and 17 hexes across the boards to defend...with a AT 3-5 weapons on the tanks??

Setting up hidden in the middle village, on the main road, tank with leader in the top hex in the village mid-board to the west...and two tanks (one leader) along the ridge with sights on the east edge...we waited for the Boche...

And they came....breaking to the west they scurried in a rush, going around the west village they were in sights of the tank there, and two tanks which went into the middle from that side were in range of the hidden unit in the Village center board.

I immediately rushed the tanks on the ridge to west...careful to have the tank leader off the ridge get up close to the hidden tank in the village---so he could combat revealed taking a shot at the two units in the center (a II and a III) no avail...but setting up Le Crossfire!!

Then after completion of the movement of the Boche, the Tank leader in the West opened fire as well, for the cross fire on the II in the middle--and smoked him!...The next turn the Germans continued to run past--and ended up adjacent to my Western tank--with a IV...having taken steps, the Germans did not win the initiative, so I was able to get a +2 on the IV, and rolled MARVELOUSly...picking up the piece...The other tanks attempted some fire to no avail....

The Germans continued to run, and I got off one more shot reducing another tank unit by a this point, the germans were beyond me, and I could not catch them as they ran off the board...sigh...So, we did not win, but we had the satisfaction of picking up two units, and wounding a third...sigh...c'est la vie...

The Germans did not fire a shot...they just MOVED, and quickly down the board side, and then onto the roads to the south....The discussion post game considered only defending in the south--probably a good idea, you have a couple turns to get set up---possibly even digging in on road junctions? This might be a superior approach then catching and stopping the Germans mid board--you'd have 3 turns to move out of initial positions with the non-hidden units....

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