Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 9th:
Eastern Front #103 - Tank Battle at Parpach Iron Curtain #1 - Timberwolves
Hammer & Sickle #21 - Timberwolves
A Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed, But We Had Our Polish Heroes!
Author Bangla (Poland)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2020-05-20
Language English
Scenario WhEa002

It's been quite a while since we played this scenario, but I remember it well ... at least the feeling of impending doom from about halfway through the battle. My German opponent was able to pick off my entrenchments, and my placement of the mines in front of the town and on the road was bypassed very easily. The first part of the battle saw the Germans advancing steadily in the centre and north; in the south they were held up only slightly by a forward placement of an infantry platoon and Porucznik. The infantry were probably a mere annoyance, but the Porucznik did direct artillery which disrupted the advance somewhat. The Porucnik did manage to get back to Polish lines, albeit by the time the action was almost over, but the platoon didn't.

Meanwhile, as the huns approached the hill, fire rained down on the entrenched troops. Another Porucznik in particular was heroic, taking most of the fire for over an hour and making sure his troops stayed in their positions. They were only ousted by overwhelming odds once the other positions had largely been overrun.

This was an early scenario in my recent PG career. Looking back, I would definitely have positioned the troops on the hill better, ready to support each other when the assaults came, rather than being a hex or two apart. Also, I would have placed the mines in such a way as to funnel the German centre directly towards the town, where the prepared positions should have been placed and ready for them.

This is an excellent scenario which I'd be happy to play again.

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