Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
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March Madness
Sinister Forces #34
(Defender) Germany vs Soviet Union (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Germany 6th SS Reconnaisance Battalion
Germany SS "Nord" Ski Battalion
Soviet Union 205th Rifle Division

Overall balance chart for SiFo034
Side 1 1
Draw 0
Side 2 1
Overall Rating, 2 votes
Scenario Rank: --- of 936
Parent Game Sinister Forces
Historicity Historical
Date 1944-03-07
Start Time 01:00
Turn Count 16
Visibility Day & Night
Counters 28
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 1
Maps 2: 10, 5
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 113
AAR Bounty 160
Total Plays 2
Total AARs 2
Battle Types
Rural Assault
Off-board Artillery
Terrain Mods
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Battle of the Bulge Maps
Eastern Front Maps + Counters
Sinister Forces Base Game

Stationed on the far left flank of the 6th SS Mountain Division, the Norwegian volunteer ski battalion soon became known to the Red Army forces opposing the SS. The Soviets, both command and rank-and-file, had a particular loathing for non-German volunteer units, and the Soviets decided to probe the battalion as a prelude to a more general offensive.


The Soviets inflicted severe casualties on the Norwegians but drew back without assaulting their entrenchments, having learned all they wished of enemy positions and reactions. They would be back, with more support next time, and deadlier intentions as well.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)

Display Errata (1)

1 Errata Item
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)

Display AARs (2)

Search and Avoid Being Destroyed
Author dricher
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2016-02-15
Language English
Scenario SiFo034

This scenario is a pretty interesting twist. The objective is reconnaissance with some combat thrown in. The Soviets must spot several hidden units/entrenchments belonging to the Norwegians, while both sides have to inflict some step losses on the other. It’s a small fast moving scenario starting at night, so the Soviets have a good chance to make it to the west before getting caught up in combat, while the Norwegians have a better chance to hide.

The Norwegians set up Ski units in triplets of entrenchments in the NW woods and the SW wood hex, extending north and west to cover the area off the end of the river. The board 10 units try to funnel the Soviets into the location where the north and south woods almost meet.

The Soviets eventually come to the pincer trap, but the pincering goes more the Soviet way, and they launch an assault against a lone Inf unit (with a very bad Lt) in the southern woods while avoiding the northern woods. The assault eventually causes the Lt to demoralize and then desert, but the lone Inf manages to demoralize a Soviet Inf, leaving an Inf and an HMG (with the Maj) squaring off against the mighty Norwegian Inf, which manages to hold out through turn 14. But more on that later.

The other Soviet stacks are racing onto the western board, looking for Norwegians in the nearer woods and on the hill. The night turns mean they are on a tight schedule, and they spend several turns looking for Norwegians. The Norwegian MG and Inf not in the assault hex hide in the southern woods (originally fields) hexes, awaiting the coming dawn.

A stack of three Soviet Inf find the entrenchment near the river. It costs them an Inf unit, but as the sun begins to arise they do manage to spot all three entrenchments, then haul north before they die. The Norwegians leave their entrenchments to follow. The remaining Soviets get embroiled with the Norwegians hiding in the (field) forest, get pummeled hard, but Soviet artillery manages to eventually turn the Norwegians to mush, and combined with point blank Soviet direct fire, the Inf succumbs to a couple compound demoralizations while the MG flees.

The running Soviets finally come into view of the NW entrenchments. A ballet of Inf units on both sides, combined with some opfire, leaves one Soviet Inf unit within spotting position of the last entrenchment, but with no officer to spot it. Meanwhile Norwegians are coming in from the north, south, and west, trying to trap the Soviet Captain and/or the disrupted Soviet Inf that didn’t move into view of the last entrenchment. On turn 15 it comes down to the initiative roll.

And the Soviets win the initiative, with extra activations! The Captain runs around the Norwegian skiers to join the unit that succeeded moving forward, and spots the last entrenchment and ski unit. They also conduct another assault in the assault hex on board 10. The Norwegian unit demoralizes! And during its recovery attempt it fails and flees! The Soviets take their free shot and score a 2X, killing the unit and meeting the conditions for a major victory on the last activation of turn 15. But the Norwegians don’t roll over. The Norwegians win initiative on turn 16, and three ski units jump on the Soviet Inf that was disrupted by opfire, and inflict a step loss against it and demoralize it. Before FOW can end the turn, it also fails to recover, attempts to flee, and the free shot kills it! The Norwegians score four step losses against the Soviets to score a minor victory. The Soviets win by managing a higher victory level, but it’s a near thing.

I rate this a 4. Interestingly different objective, well matched forces, tight timelines, good maneuver. The Norwegians had horrible direct fire, so it could have been even closer with one or two better shots. Excellent small scenario, but in a face to face this scenario may have some issues since the Norwegians would be truly hidden and the Soviet timeline is tight given the area they need to cover.

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Hunting Season
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-21
Language English
Scenario SiFo034

In this scenario, entrenched Norwegian SS "volunteers" have hidden themselves and the Soviets have to find them and cause soem losses. This is a tough job as the Soviets do not have a morale advantage and they are, unit for unit, undergunned. In addition, with only 16 turns and two entire boards to check out (one heavily wooded) the Soviets cannot conduct their search in a calm, dispassionate manner with their heavy weapons close by to deal with the SS when they find them. They must rush willy-nilly around the board, running into entrenched or dug in "Germans" and absorb heavy fire from them.

Predictably, the "Germans" won this one. I can't say that it was enjoyable and I would not suggest this one to anyone for the fun of it. Stumbling into hidden fire groups which will shred your troops with opportunity fire while you have no ability to really fight back is just not a pleasant day. As a study in hasty recon this one has value. As a competitive scenario, not so much.

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