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Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
03-01-2025, 07:54 PM,
Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
Hey gang, can a leader activate a subordinate leader in an adjacent assault hex? Thus far I’ve always assumed that a leader in an assault could not be activated by an outside leader, but I could not find a corresponding rule. Did I just not dig deep enough? Thanks!
ACav, OldPueblo, Tankodactyl And 8 others like this post
03-02-2025, 12:10 AM,
RE: Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
The short answer is no, Rule 12.51. There is an exception note, a leader entering an assault hex may activate a subordinate leader in the assault hex.
treadasaurusrex, OldPueblo, PANISTA And 11 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
03-03-2025, 01:50 PM,
RE: Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
(03-02-2025, 12:10 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: The short answer is no, Rule 12.51. There is an exception note, a leader entering an assault hex may activate a subordinate leader in the assault hex.

Thank you!
sagunto, Miguelibal, Tankodactyl And 9 others like this post
03-25-2025, 12:52 PM,
RE: Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
"There is an exception note, a leader entering an assault hex may activate a subordinate leader in the assault hex."

Hmm, this is an interesting aspect of the greater question that I submit for Schoenwulf's careful consideration.
Tambu, OldPueblo, CavDo like this post
03-25-2025, 01:01 PM,
RE: Activating leaders embroiled in an assault
Good idea!

Schoenwulf is the ultimate arbiter, regarding the reinforcement of close assaults from adjacent hexes outside the assault hex and the simultaneous activation of subordinate leaders - and by extension, their troops - that are already engaged within the assault hex.
OldPueblo, Miguelibal, CavDo And 1 others like this post

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