I'm working on adding game designers to our Library. I just finished manually loading all the BGG data into my test database... creating designer objects and matching designers to their games.
Then I got a naughty idea... why not compare the average ratings for their games?
According to BGG's data there have actually been
15 different PG designers over the years... many more than I would have been able to name off the top of my head!
Using at least 3 games as the cut-off criteria for designers who have had a large impact on PG, here are the unofficial* rating rankings... more or less:
Avg __ Designer __ Games
3.8 __ McNair __ 11
3.6 __ Perryman __ 16
3.6 __ Murray __ 5
3.3 __ Bennighof __ 43
3.2 __ Stafford __ 3
3.1 __ Knipple __ 12
* - these are quick and rather unfair calculations... McNair, for example, is getting a huge boost from Polish Steel and Siegfried Line which only have 15 total plays and whose average ratings are being weighted evenly against EFDx and its 600+ plays... mind the blood pressure, Vince!
Once I finish working on this little addition I will ensure that the ratings are properly, fairly calculated ... but I couldn't resist throwing out this tidbit for early discussion.
Isn't it interesting what sort of information is just sitting around out there waiting for us to pull together?