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Dragon's Teeth is in the library - Printable Version

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Dragon's Teeth is in the library - plloyd1010 - 06-08-2024

It's odd that though the name is Dragon's Teeth, there are no dragon's teeth in the scenarios.

I called mud severe weather. Severe weather usually has a movement effect or combat modifier, or some other weirdness other than visibility. Mud seems to fit because it has movement effect. I think there will need an official ruling on road to non-road and non-road movement effects.

I am a little fuzzy on how formations get tracked in scenario play. I don't recall if playing with a lower echelon unit, if acknowledgement if its parent be automatic? Such of if I was playing with the 16th Inf Reg, would it be considered as playing with the 1st Inf Div? Since I couldn't remember I put them both in, in most cases.

In rewritten/reused scenarios, I kept the supporting formations included in the scenario, so long as there was evidence in the OOB or narrative they they were involved with the new scenario.

RE: Dragon's Teeth is in the library - Grognard Gunny - 06-17-2024

I just noticed that the scenario numbers for Dragons Teeth is 46 instead of the correct number 42, in the game library listing. Just sayin'! 


RE: Dragon's Teeth is in the library - plloyd1010 - 06-17-2024

Fixed it.

RE: Dragon's Teeth is in the library - Shad - 06-19-2024

Thanks Peter!