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Solo plays
08-09-2024, 01:02 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2024, 01:04 AM by Grognard Gunny.)
Solo plays
There was a comment made recently about how solo plays shouldn't be allowed to be in the statistics of PG.... (and on and on.) Here with rebuttal:

1. Sometimes solo play allows one to hone one's tactical skills and try something "different" without worrying about the "win/loss" stuff.

2. It was mentioned that solo play should be a "draw" under most circumstances. There ARE some scenarios that deny a win to one side or the other by virtue of their set up. It is therefore the task is to overcome that particular set up and come up with a "solution" for the problem. 

3. Since solo play is such a singularly painstakingly "error free" environment, errors that are made are relatively easy to pounce upon and thereby self-correcting. Thus our skills are honed even more.

4. One drawback: there are no surprises (surprises a given in combat). On the other hand, it takes a very succinct effort NOT to have to deal with surprises. In short, your intelligence services ARE excellent.

5. One can "counter" (or develop counters) for almost every set of circumstances.

6. Finally (and this is a joke), solo play is sometimes the only way one can get a worthy opponent!  Tongue


P.S. Oh yeah, if one didn't "allow" solo play in the "stats", the "stats" would be paltry indeed!
joe_oppenheimer and ACav like this post
08-09-2024, 01:33 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2024, 01:34 AM by triangular_cube.)
RE: Solo plays
Its not worth engaging directly with those users honestly. They are a small minority of users here who constantly throw insults around to everyone else and as soon as they face the mildest of rebukes they pretend the sky is falling. After seeing it play out 3 or 4 times in the forums to a T, most users have stopped replying to them. Its text book "Crybully" behavior, or a complete lack of self awareness. 

You're fine. Solo play is fine. Don't stress out about it.
08-09-2024, 03:20 AM,
RE: Solo plays
Some database statistics will better illustrate this topic:
  • Solo plays logged: 10,607
  • Shared plays logged: 1,931
  • Shared plays as a percentage of all plays: 15%
  • Shared plays logged before 2020 (Uber launch): 1,097
  • Shared plays logged from 2020 onwards: 834 (43%)
  • How many members have logged at least one play of any kind? 319
  • How many members have logged at least one shared play? 141
  • How many members have logged ONLY shared plays? 53
Without solo plays PG-HQ would be a very lonely place.

Peter's success with PG Uber has turbocharged shared plays, which is wonderful, because I do think head-to-head PG is the best way to play, but many people are not able to leverage that or dislike the online experience which I wholly understand.

Different members engage with PG-HQ in different ways, and that's fine. All contributions are valid and valued. Smile
sagunto, Tubac52, Dougal1951 And 11 others like this post
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
08-09-2024, 06:16 AM,
RE: Solo plays
Not stressing. Just making my case clear. (He IS entitled to his opinion!)

Dougal1951, Tambu, Reconquista And 10 others like this post

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