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No Battles?
04-21-2023, 11:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-30-2023, 01:58 PM by plloyd1010.)
No Battles?
I'm always a little disappointed when I see "...none..." under the front page date. Of course, it means that PG doesn't cover everything.

On those days I go to Second World War Day by Day to see what was going on, and muse about how it might work in PG.
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04-22-2023, 12:19 AM,
April 21st
1941: Japanese troops occupy Foochow (aka. Fuzhou). Changsha Operation The war had been going on there since 1938.
1943: British 8th Army occupies Enfidaville in Tunisia. An Army at Dawn The last battle fought by the British in North Africa.
1945: French troops capture Stuttgart. You need to make your own counterset for this one.
     US 5th Army and Poles enter Bologna. Cassino '44 Counters yes, but not likely the map.
     Soviet troops reach the outer suburbs of Berlin. Road to Berlin
     US troops eliminate Japanese resistance on Ie Shima. Saipan 1944
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04-22-2023, 01:31 AM,
RE: No Battles?
I once looked at doing the Second Sin-Japanese War or War of Resistance 1937-45, which some feel actually started with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria 1931. Either way, I felt it was just too massive and gave up on that idea. AP probably would have broken it up into 3 or 4 games. The amount of work and with AP so far behind, I doubt it would have seen daylight for 10 or 12 years, so I gave up on it.
04-30-2023, 07:07 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-30-2023, 01:57 PM by plloyd1010.)
Battles April 29th
1941, Iraqi troops begin a siege of Habbaniya, the British airbase west of Baghdad. Troops from 1/King's Own Royal Regiment moved from Shaibah to Habbaniya to reinforce the defense. Africa Orientale Italiana or Desert Rats would be good for this. I would use the Italian colonial troops for the Iraqis.

1942, Japanese troops capture Lashio. Changsha and Kokoda Campaign to simulate this. Maybe a map from Saipan 1944 to make the town. The fight is about an airfield on the Burma Road. There seem to have been British forces nearby (Afrika Korps or Road to Dunkirk).
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