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04-09-2023, 09:56 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-09-2023, 12:23 PM by Grognard Gunny.)
Today I made a "slick" move for the win, over what would have been a draw. It would have been a good move except for the fact that it was made completely outside of the main line of battle, made no difference in the overall fight and left my own forces dangerously overexposed. DID garner me enough "points" to win. Now there is where my good tactics is overcome by a false methodology to "win".

I don't like that idea at all, preferring to keep my tactics clean. What say you?

04-09-2023, 12:24 PM,
RE: Gamesmanship
Well Don, in gaming a win is a win. So a slick move at the end, because your opponent was not obviously not alert or aware enough, is nothing to be ashamed of. True as that is, the scholarly/historian part of me sees, as you do, that you just lost the "war" or otherwise handed your upper echelons a defeat. Such is the nature of wargaming, and why operational and strategic level games deserve their appeal.

It is good that you understand that the war doesn't end with the scenario, but don't let it bother you when the scenario gets gamey.
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... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
04-09-2023, 12:28 PM,
RE: Gamesmanship
..... and that says it all.

04-10-2023, 04:18 AM,
RE: Gamesmanship
There are MANY, extremely "gamey" scenarios in PG with victory conditions that allow one side or the other to win by doing things that may not make tactical sense, or increase the fun of sahred play. Most of these situations cluster in "enter and exit" scenarios, where the winner is the player who gets his attacking force off the opposite edge of the battlemap. This can be frustrating, and it can reduce the excitement and fun of playing PG with an opponent, but it is okay when playing in solo mode like the gunny does.
CavDo, Miguelibal, Tankodactyl And 10 others like this post
04-10-2023, 06:32 AM,
RE: Gamesmanship
One may play for the pure joy of gaming, so winning or losing become less relevant. That having been said, I always give it my best shot including whatever the rules allow; otherwise it wouldn't be my best, and any colleague against whom I play deserves my best. There are indeed gamey options like needing to have a single unit adjacent to a road, or assaulting late to dispute control of a hex, etc., but both players get to see what needs to be done. Joy is ever-abiding regardless of the outcome.
Tubac52, Miguelibal, CavDo And 12 others like this post
04-10-2023, 09:31 AM,
RE: Gamesmanship
(04-10-2023, 06:32 AM)Schoenwulf Wrote: One may play for the pure joy of gaming, so winning or losing become less relevant. That having been said, I always give it my best shot including whatever the rules allow; otherwise it wouldn't be my best, and any colleague against whom I play deserves my best. There are indeed gamey options like needing to have a single unit adjacent to a road, or assaulting late to dispute control of a hex, etc., but both players get to see what needs to be done. Joy is ever-abiding regardless of the outcome.
Dear Bob,

 A summation of very generous & fine thoughts, as well as an open heart for others. Could not be a better commentary to share on an Easter afternoon.

Thanks and Best Wishes,

Felipe Jacome
Sonora, OldPueblo, sagunto And 12 others like this post

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