03-23-2023, 09:58 AM,
RE: Kill them all?
Causing enemy casualties is a given in virtually all PG scenarios. I say drop this one as an unecessary category.
03-23-2023, 07:44 PM,
Posts: 214
Threads: 30
Joined: Nov 2021
RE: Kill them all?
How about...
"Kill them all, or they kill you"
"Venceramos o nos vencen!"
(That was still a poster on walls when I went to school in Madrid)
"Ave Caesar morituri te salutant!"
"It's a beautiful day for an auto-da-fé!"
Just trying to class it up a bit.
User Experience begins with You...
Always looking for people to play PzGdr, Napoleonic Games, and Great War at Sea
(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).
05-10-2023, 06:59 AM,
RE: Kill them all?
(03-23-2023, 10:21 PM)Blackcloud6 Wrote: "Body count." As far as I can tell, Fred wins!