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Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
11-09-2022, 02:21 PM,
Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Is it correct to assume a crewed weapon that is limbering or unlimbering is considered moving for purposes of opportunity fire?  I would think so, but didn't see it mentioned in section 13 of the rules.  Thanks.
11-09-2022, 10:19 PM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Correct assumption. In all 3 editions of the rules, I think the point could have been made clearer in the procedure if the rule had said something like, when a moving unit enters a hex... Since a limbering/unlimbering weapon is not entering a hex, it is not subject to opportunity fire.
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11-10-2022, 01:29 AM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Sorry, but just to clarify you said "Correct assumption" but then you also said "Since a limbering/unlimbering weapon is not entering a hex, it is not subject to opportunity fire."  My assumption is that it would be subject to opportunity fire since it is moving within the hex while performing a task.  A similar situation exists when a unit is disembarking from a transport.  I have always played it that since an MP is being expended to disembark that the unit is subject to opportunity fire in the hex it disembarks.  In other words, what governs opportunity fire (for me anyway) has always been not the act of moving to a new hex, but expending movement points.
11-10-2022, 01:33 AM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Opportunity fire occurs when a unit enters a hex. Intrahex activity is not moving for game purposes. So limbering/unlimbering, or rallying, are not movement, even though they are move orders.
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... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
11-10-2022, 02:49 AM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Rule 13.11 -- "A moving unit (and any leader moving with it) or leader moving without an accompanying unit may be attacked in any hex(es) within enemy range that it enters along its movement path."  (emphasis added).

Plloyd1010 is right, of course, when he says that the rule could be made clearer if it added that units not entering a new hex may not be attacked.
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11-10-2022, 06:01 AM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
OK.   Thanks.  That clarifies things.  I'd think a unit being unloaded or limbered/unlimbered in view (and range) of an enemy unit would be subject to being shot at though.  I've always played it that way so I may need to house rule it.  This may be one of those times when I'm getting my PG and ASL rules mixed up.  It happens quite a lot for me.  Thanks again.
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11-10-2022, 09:40 AM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
(11-10-2022, 06:01 AM)KirkH Wrote: OK.   Thanks.  That clarifies things.  I'd think a unit being unloaded or limbered/unlimbered in view (and range) of an enemy unit would be subject to being shot at though.  I've always played it that way so I may need to house rule it.  This may be one of those times when I'm getting my PG and ASL rules mixed up.  It happens quite a lot for me.  Thanks again.

I rather like your view of it and I think that might make a good house rule if people agreed before play. Hooking up a gun is not trivial and the crew is in the open and it is moving intrahex. As I said, if people want to do that, it would be fine with me although Peter and Rerathburn are technically correct.
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11-10-2022, 02:30 PM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Am I missing something here? Rule 13.3 Exceptions clearly permits opportunity fire against voluntarily loading/unloading and limbering/unlimbering units. This appears on the top of page 30 in the rulebook.

Peace. Michael
Tubac52, treadasaurusrex, joe_oppenheimer And 7 others like this post
11-10-2022, 02:52 PM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
I missed that.  Thanks.  There was no section 13.3 in the V3 rules.  I can now scratch this off my list of house rules.
11-10-2022, 05:01 PM,
RE: Opportunity Fire vs. Crewed Weapons
Happy to help.

Peace. Michael
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