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Hats off to the volunteers here who make this possible
07-03-2022, 01:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 01:38 AM by goosebrown.)
Hats off to the volunteers here who make this possible
I just wanted to express my thanks to the many people that keep this place going.

The talented plloyd1010 who seems to be responsible for so many of the games being here, the people who help him with components and data and so on. 

You guys rock!

Also of course thank you to Shad for taking on this enterprise. This has opened so many doors for me to game and I really owe you one for all that you do. 

For the people that actually DO your AARs (those of you that don't... boo... hiss... May you be issued a combined arms force of dozens 75mm IGs, wagons and Stuarts...  and one leader!) For those of you that do your AARs, even brief ones, that brings the game alive and allows you to compare your progress with how others have handled the situation. 

And to out mentors (Schoenwolf) who have patiently explained over and over why this unit cannot see that unit and why it is a bad idea for a lone kitchen platoon to charge Tigers. Thank you.

And our opponents without whom we would not be able to send so much cardboard to it's fate. Thank you especially. (Treadasaurusrex and Schoenwolf)

This site brought me back to gaming after 20-30 years and It was like being sucked up into a freight train which is just what I needed. 

Thank you all!
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