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Grossdeutschland 1946 extensuion
12-31-2021, 01:26 PM,
Grossdeutschland 1946 extensuion
What else would a premier hi-tech panzer division need? Grossdeutschland 1946 is mostly about showing off Nazi wonder weapons with the Wehrmacht's banner division. I'm just thinking that there should be some more mundane pieces to fill it out.

So far here is what I am thinking about adding to the extension:
  • SdKfz-7, because it makes a good front line prime mover
  • Truck, of course
  • Kubelwagon, aren't "jeeps" important?
  • 75mm Infantry Gun, they always had them around
  • 28/20mm Anti-tank Gun, kind of hi-tech but a little light. Maybe not important in light of the X7. Then again, what about a Raketenwerfer 43?
  • 75mm/41 Anti-tank Gun, kind of hi-tech too. A notch up from the standard organic AT gun for infantry battalions of 1944-45
  • 105mm Howitzer, for on-board artillery
  • 150mm Howitzer, for on-board artillery
  • Nebelwerfer 41 Rocket Launcher, not sure how prevalent these would be in 1945-46
Thoughts? Comments? Things that might be added? Things that shouldn't be?
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01-04-2022, 02:54 AM,
RE: Grossdeutschland 1946 extensuion

of course

Not at this scale I think.

>>75mm Infantry Gun<<
a must

>>28/20mm Anti-tank Gun<<

>>75mm/41 Anti-tank Gun<<
yes. More mobile than the 88s, lower profile so easier to hide. Probably lots of ammo already (?) Good enough to knock out most allied tanks.

>>105mm Howitzer<<

>>150mm Howitzer<<

>>Nebelwerfer 41 Rocket Launcher<<
Of course

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01-08-2022, 08:07 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-08-2022, 08:11 AM by plloyd1010.)
RE: Grossdeutschland 1946 extensuion
Kubelwagons are like jeeps. If jeeps are in and Kubelwagons are elsewhere, why not here?
28/20mm anti-tank guns were still around in 1945. Mostly on half-tracks I think.
The Raketenwerfer would be interesting. Not many made though as the panzerschreck was cheaper to make and raketenwerfers burned through ammo quite quickly. I did make a counter. What do you think?
goosebrown likes this post
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01-08-2022, 02:52 PM,
RE: Grossdeutschland 1946 extensuion
Why not put the 28/20mm sPzB 41 and the Raketenwerfer 43? After all, they are only figments of the Vassal extension and only miscreants like are ever going to think about them.
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