10-14-2021, 05:05 AM,
RE: Rules Arbitration
An official PG rules arbiter is a great idea!
This is especially true given the time depth since the first set of PG games, scenarios and rules, which are now 20 or so years old. Those of us with older editions often come across various rule-related issues, scenario oddities, poorly-conceived victory conditions, or seriously unbalanced scenarios.
10-18-2021, 01:46 PM,
RE: Rules Arbitration
Just a little reminder of why we play PG, or maybe an idea to recall about why we got into playing board war games in the first place.
Here's a quote from Professor Bernd Heinrich's latest article in the current Natural History magazine - October 2021, page 13:
"A biological definition of play is adaptive behavior expressed in a context when/where it is not needed, that serves as practice for when/where it is life-serving. Another definition might be activity that has no other purpose than the activity itself."
In other words, we do what we do for the fun of it!
10-19-2021, 06:38 PM,
RE: Rules Arbitration
Hmm, not sure an official rule arbitrator is needed, I am very much a free form gamer and if there is a rule dispute between players during the game and it can't be resolved by common sense then roll a die to make a temporary ruling then move on. However if the consensus is we need one then I would propose Daniel (Hugmenot).
treadasaurusrex likes this post
10-20-2021, 07:30 AM,
RE: Rules Arbitration
The rising availability of shared play via Vassal and the competitive ladder sure puts more emphasis on a common "official" rules set. That being said I really don't like rules debates, and I always regret posting into threads about them. There is never a "winner" even if you "win", just a lot of headaches.
I'm here to push cardboard tanks around (or more recently cardboard marines), not to be an internet lawyer. I'll let ya'll do that if you want.