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DIY support projects & stuff
11-15-2024, 12:54 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-15-2024, 12:56 AM by plloyd1010.)
RE: DIY support projects & stuff
(11-14-2024, 06:05 PM)Greyfox Wrote: Peter,

       It has been a while since I signed on.  I just saw the Widowmaker Counters you made.  Thank you.  I love them.


I'm glad you like them. (Also glad I got the correction in before you saw them.)
1st Infantry set is coming up (somewhere).

Still would like to figure a way to do the 1st Marine regiment. That emblem just doesn't work on a PG counter.
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11-18-2024, 02:58 PM,
RE: DIY support projects & stuff

         I am excited about the Big Red One (BRO) counters.  They will be great for use with the BRO supplement, An Army at Dawn, and eventually the Sicily and D-Day games that are in the pipelines.

treadasaurusrex, Sonora, Tankodactyl And 2 others like this post
11-20-2024, 02:34 AM,
RE: DIY support projects & stuff
I guess the BRO counters won't be hosted here for a bit. Dr. Mike has decided to put them on the APL site.
Big Red 1 download

The whole package is there, including the diagram and notes. I did the counters in my usual 7x11 folding sheet. Have fun.
wleonard1, Sonora, ACav And 5 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
11-22-2024, 03:12 AM,
So, what do you think?
Quote:Big Red 1 download

Keep in mind it only the 1942-43 North Africa campaign pieces.
ACav, CavDo, Tankodactyl And 5 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
12-13-2024, 04:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-19-2024, 08:22 AM by plloyd1010.)
Fire & Sword counter corrections
I added corrected counters to my ever growing DIY counter library.
Tankodactyl and treadasaurusrex like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
12-21-2024, 04:16 AM,
RE: Fire & Sword counter corrections
(12-13-2024, 04:47 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: I added corrected counters to my ever growing DIY counter library.

Many thanks for posting the latest revision of the Fire & Sword counter corrections. They look really good!
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12-21-2024, 04:54 AM,
RE: DIY support projects & stuff
(12-23-2021, 10:05 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: I just hate it when special rules say these things are really like this. I know that counter limits make it so, but I still don't like it. So I make my own sometimes.

General Use Counters
Piechoty from Bron Pancerna
    These are Polish infantry armed with semi-automatic rifles, like the M1 Garand. The word piechoty literally means infantry.
Polish Supplemental Counters
    Polish counters in Polish Exiles no longer need French substitutes, the Polish colors are here. There are also OBA markers to support all the scenarios
    from Lithuania's Iron Wolves to Carpathian Brigade. The sheet includes the piechoty counters above.
Portee counters
    Stacks in PG are big enough. This helps keep the portees from building that tower.
Cuban Rebels
    Cuba rebels in To Hell With Spain have the same colors as the Spanish. That just wouldn't do.
Corpo Alpini
    The Alpini got their own colors in Conquest of Ethiopia, but their formations also make appearances in Fronto Russo and Little Saturn. They should also be helping invade Greece and southern France.
Mongolian People's Army
    Appearing first in Power of the East, they also provided military assistance to the Soviet Union during the Nazi invasion. Imagine them charging a German infantry regiment, oh wait, I think some of them actually did.
Italy's Elephant Corps
    They actually tried it. The counters work better than the idea did.
Repubblica Sociale Italiana
    Italy had had enough of Mussolini and his adventure. His followers had not.
Volksgrendier Regiment
    After the Invasion of Germany download and Campaigns & Commanders diagram, the Volksgrenadiers need a little more.
Romanian Border Guards
    With their neighbors all wanting a piece of Romania, these guys became the rock stars of the army.
Finnish Counters for Arctic Front Deluxe
    The download for Arctic Front have the wrong font, so I redid the counters. I also created counters for jeagers, strongpoints and others. Duplicated leaders have had their backs shifted so they are not replicas, but still have the same probability of getting a given leader.
Soviet Counter supplements Part 1 and Page 2
   These are built out countersheets for the Lend-Lease tanks and counters used in Arctic Front and the Leningrad expansions.
South Korean M20 replacement counters
   The simple fact is that the M20 is not, nor could be, an APC. As an APC in Pusan Perimeter it is either superfluous on incongruous to the scenarios in which it appears.
Fire and Sword counter corrections
   The Soviet M17 was left off the countersheet. The SPW251/9 had the wrong values, Philippe Leonard confirmed he wanted the SPW251/9 and not the SPW251/22. The SPW251/17 and SPW251/21 counters were mislabeled.

Grossdeutschland Motor Infantry Regiment
    This is a fleshed out version of the Grossdeutschland Regiment as it was in Fall of France, including the attached assault gun battery

Custom Countersets made for PG-HQ Members
U.S. 23rd Infantry Regiment, U.S. 40th Armor Regiment/Battalion, U.S. 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment and U.S. 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
Many thanks for posting the Volksgrenadiers - I have just printed and mounted them and they look so much better than the ones with black borders released by Avalanche Press several years ago.
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