Questions on LOS and spotting on map sheet 35 which is mostly jungle terrain.
This will be a condition followed with my response.
A leader/unit is in hex 0709, 40-meter contour in jungle terrain.
A. They have LOS and can spot into the six hexes surrounding them - yes.
B. Can spot and has LOS into the 20-meter hexes 0507, 0508, 0509, 0510. - yes.
C. Can't spot or spot into hexes 0407, 0410 due to limiting terrain hex blocking LOS. - yes.
A leader/unit is in hex 0705, 40-meter contour in jungle terrain.
D. Can spot and has LOS into the village hexes 0504, 0505 - yes.
A leader/unit is in hex 0805.
E. Can spot and has LOS into hex 0507 - yes.
F. Can spot and has LOS into all of the village hexes - yes.
Am I correct?
Thanks for any explanations - cheers.