If a scenario says that units can set up anywhere on a board does that include the half hexes that adjoin to another board?
I am setting up scenario 6 from Eastern Front and the Soviets can set up anywhere on board 6. So can I set up on the half hexes on 6 that also form a complete hex with board 4?
On that note, what is the interpretation of edge hexes that are so small that they do not have numbers. For ex. FitS/EF boards #8 bottom row has hexes about 1/16” in height, no numbers. Playable? I say no. But maybe this should go under House Rules.
But another situation here. FitS #6 (also Could be EF #6) edge hex between 1101 and 0901 at top edge. This row features nice half hexes w no numbers. These hexes look playable. I would play them.
I presume you mean the bits on the geomorphic maps. I consider geomorphic maps (except for the 3rd Ed demo map) to be 13x17 hexes. Thus the little bits that may be on the top or bottom are not playable.
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