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unpacking the zips
02-23-2020, 06:57 AM,
unpacking the zips
Hi Guys,
I need some guidance on how to structure these file. I've downloaded all the full packages that are availability, I thought I'd start with 'Bulge. I created a folder in my PzG vassal directory, put the zip in there and unpacked it. There's a bunch of map, OB & Leader VMDXs but no VMOD. I opend the vassal uber in the main directory after copying all the files there but it couldn't find any boards....
Any advice?
02-23-2020, 10:59 AM,
RE: unpacking the zips
PG Uber is a modular system. All the game support is based on extension, managed by the PG Uber module. In the directory where you put PG Uber, there should be a directory named something like "PG Uber base 2p3_ext". That is where all the active extensions need to go. If you just downloaded and unzipped the files, you will have a lot of redundancy.

If you do not have an extensions directory for Uber, right click on the Uber entry in the Vassal window. At the bottom of the menu, choose add extension. Add any game extension which you have unzipped. Vassal will create an extension directory, and move the selected extension to it. Now you can move all the extensions over there.

Now you will need to keep track of which extensions to play which game. I suggest you do not have all the extensions active at once.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-23-2020, 12:10 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
I have an "Inacvtive Files" folder in the Panzer_Ext folder and keep all the game files in folders in there. Then, I just activate the files that are needed for the particular game that is being played by copying them into the Ext folder. That approach provides the files that are needed for the game without clunking up the system. That has worked very well during the testing of the system over the past year or so.
02-23-2020, 01:56 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
(02-23-2020, 12:10 PM)Schoenwulf Wrote: I have an "Inacvtive Files" folder in the Panzer_Ext folder and keep all the game files in folders in there. Then, I just activate the files that are needed for the particular game that is being played by copying them into the Ext folder. That approach provides the files that are needed for the game without clunking up the system. That has worked very well during the testing of the system over the past year or so.

I did much the same thing---but discovered that the VASSAL interface, where I pick Uber allows me to show what extensions are active/not active---turns out it automatically will
move things from the Uber_ext directory to the Uber_ext/Inactive directory---and vice versa.....

So once they are unloaded---(in uber or uber/inactive) they appear--and you can activate/deactivate via the interface and not have to move anything....
02-24-2020, 06:08 AM,
RE: unpacking the zips
At first I was going to buck the "make extensions you aren't using inactive" trend.  And, with only 2 modules downloaded, there were way too many choices on the units and leader selections.  Deactivating what I don't need was MUCH simpler.

And that's not even addressing memory/speed issues.
02-24-2020, 01:27 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
Thanks guys, I appreciate your time.
I'm baffled by all this extension management stuff.
When I start vassal, I get the list of all the games I have vassal modules for, when i click on panzer grenadier uber 3.2.17, I get a start up screen where i can choose 'start new game offline'. when i pick that it asks me to select boards but the pulldown list is empty. how a/o where do i manage extensions? Sorry, I'm not very computer savy...

I was expecting the zip files to include some sort of module specific .mod, what I see is a bunch of vmdx files
for aircraft, leaders, boards and OBs

" right click on the Uber entry in the Vassal window...." I'm not seeing this...
02-24-2020, 01:42 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
OK, I think I figured this out, I moved all my vmdx file to an EXT folder.
I right-click on the Uber in my vassal list & that is where i can add extensions.
I added the 7 that are used for FitS and it looks like I'm off & running.

I had to go back to the FitS zip to see the list of extensions that I needed. That's a weak stop. There are so many titles in this system, the vassal would benefit from a routine to select a particular module from a list, then (de)activate the relevant extensions for us. I'm wish-listing there, I don't have a clue what is possible/impossible & easy/hard.

Thanks guys!
J6A likes this post
02-24-2020, 01:44 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
I have the aircraft & leader extensions activated but the random counters box is empty...
02-24-2020, 01:45 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
Nevermind, After restarting, it populated! This feature is SO cool!
02-24-2020, 01:49 PM,
RE: unpacking the zips
(02-24-2020, 01:27 PM)dxdavieau Wrote: Thanks guys, I appreciate your time.
I'm baffled by all this extension management stuff.
When I start vassal, I get the list of all the games I have vassal modules for, when i click on panzer grenadier uber 3.2.17, I get a start up screen where i can choose 'start new game offline'. when i pick that it asks me to select boards but the pulldown list is empty. how a/o where do i manage extensions? Sorry, I'm not very computer savy...

I was expecting the zip files to include some sort of module specific .mod, what I see is a bunch of vmdx files
for aircraft, leaders, boards and OBs

" right click on the Uber entry in the Vassal window...." I'm not seeing this...

Take a look at the attached, might help---drop me a note directly if you need more help... Smile

Attached Files
.docx   This is my VASSAL Control Panel.docx (Size: 368.34 KB / Downloads: 12)

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