The prices of our games have been going up substantially for the last 2 years. The components and contents are also becoming better with every release. Is there a way Newbies can participate and get established in this passion of ours at a lower price? There is a crying need for entry level and entry priced PG games.
The only job I could find (and yes gratefull for that) in this "improvin economy" was a contract security job and I only work when they have a contract for me.
My wife had a minor accident but was found at fault. After taking care of the tags and taxes on my vehicle this month got to save for the fine and court costs late October. Then got to save for wife and daughter's Christmas. Then in Febuary, 2016 will be my wife's vehicle tags and taxes. Then my wife and daugher are from Arkansas and have not seen there family in 5 years. So I have to save to afford that 709.6 mile trip. So any spending for anything except an absolute necessity is not doable for the next year.
Those of you with good jobs in this so called alleged improving economy should give thanks for the priviledge of that job.