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Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
10-25-2023, 03:20 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Funny , I still buy books and read them and then give them away unless I need it for immediate research or they are something I really want to keep.
11-03-2023, 03:12 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-03-2023, 03:12 PM by Greyfox.)
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
I bet you could sell your books on here as easily as you have sold some of your games.  My library is over 2000 books.  The typical historian, I hate getting rid of books.  Thanks for the reading recommendations.

11-05-2023, 09:38 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
One book I just recently pickup, was: The Balkans 1940-41: Mussolini's Fatal Blunder in the Greco-Italian War. It has some nice OOB charts/Maps, Introductory and pictures but I felt a bit let down, that major areas of the battle were brushed over in a few pages of text. But with most Osprey books being limited to about 90 pages, most of their books only barely touch on the battles or highpoints.
ACav, Miguelibal, Tambu And 2 others like this post
11-09-2023, 09:16 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Hell No!

For Gold-Club Members, Ochi, Conquest of Ethiopia & Parachutes over Crete are now offered in a package deal, called Hell No.
11-09-2023, 09:17 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Panzer Grenadier: Oh Hell No
Ochi (sometimes transliterated as “Oxi”) is Greek for “Hell No!” the response of dictator Ioann Metaxas to Italian demands to yield control to Benito Mussolini. It became a rallying cry, as the Greeks not only fought off an Italian invasion but drove them back into Albania. Six months later, German intervention finally brought an end to Greek resistance.

Ochi is also our upcoming Panzer Grenadier expansion, based on this campaign. It’s a big expansion set: 40 new scenarios and 176 pieces. You’ll need maps and pieces from Parachutes Over Crete and Conquest of Ethiopia, too. Design is by Jay Townsend.

Like those two games, it’s not one of tank battles (there are some tanks involved). It’s an infantry-centered campaign, and hard-core Panzer Grenadier players already know that that’s where the system really shines. Infantry is not an afterthought in Panzer Grenadier. It is the centerpiece. We just talk about the tanks more, because panzers.

We’ve added a new package to bundle together the two core games needed. Don’t let the shipheads have all the fun.
CavDo, Tambu, Tony M And 1 others like this post
11-09-2023, 09:19 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Big savings to join the Gold Club!
12-20-2023, 01:38 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
..... and I am STILL waiting for "Fire and Sword" which seems to get put further and further back in the printing schedule. That is unfortunate.... but now you want to throw in a "promised" "Ochi!" game as well. (We won't even get into the Ardennes, D-Day and Gates of Leningrad "promised" games.) I have taken a wait and see attitude over the last six months. (I am certainly NOT going to run out of scenarios to play in the mean time!)

Juiceman, Tambu, joe_oppenheimer And 5 others like this post
12-21-2023, 12:21 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-21-2023, 12:23 AM by JayTownsend.)
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Grognard, I figure Ochi is only a supplement, so it has a much better chance to be published sooner than a whole game. At least I see AP print smaller items faster for some reason. Lastly, I have had Ochi in the works for many years, so it not like it just happened.

I have most of the above on preorder as well. I think AP relies on income from the smaller items to print the larger items. But you will have to ask Mike about that.
12-21-2023, 01:06 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Ain't it funny (incidentally) how one's hobbies, books, interests, etc. shrink as one gets older? I was reminiscing about how my life has "shrunk" over the last twenty years. Here's one for the books, I haven't even read for the last couple of years and I read incessantly since I was seven or eight... particularly History. I don't know why that is. At any rate, I've given to libraries, second hand book stores, literally a ton of books over the last 10-15 years.... my "extensive" library now consists of but one bookcase.

Maybe it's just a manifestation of "wrapping things up" before one closes the books on one's existence. Ah well, it WAS fun!

12-21-2023, 02:43 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
(12-20-2023, 01:38 PM)Grognard Gunny Wrote: ..... and I am STILL waiting for "Fire and Sword" which seems to get put further and further back in the printing schedule. That is unfortunate.... but now you want to throw in a "promised" "Ochi!" game as well. (We won't even get into the Ardennes, D-Day and Gates of Leningrad "promised" games.) I have taken a wait and see attitude over the last six months. (I am certainly NOT going to run out of scenarios to play in the mean time!)


Gunny.....I have taken a similar approach to AP, haven't even renewed Gold Club after many years as a member. When I see games paid for seven years ago that have yet to be published, I just can't justify supporting this pyramid-like behavior anymore. Companies like MMP or GMT that let you preorder but don't bill until items are shipped have a fairer system. If AP wants to operate with a cash grab for vaporware, they should at least do Kickstarter or Gamefound so that one could see their performance record before laying out cash.
Grognard Gunny, Tony M, sagunto And 7 others like this post

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