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Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
04-22-2023, 01:06 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
(02-08-2021, 07:00 AM)Schoenwulf Wrote: Would really like to order this, but I'm holding. AP already has over $950 of mine waiting on unpublished products. There's just too much lag at this point, and it's time for them to take care of the items that haven't been published yet before they move on to newer items. It's gotten worse than Kickstarters!
Agree with you, Dr Mike has a great Ponzi scheme going.
Miguelibal, Reconquista, treadasaurusrex And 5 others like this post
“We're Americans, you know what that means? That means our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world… We’re the underdog!”
04-23-2023, 08:31 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
To be more specific, the Conquest of Ethiopia (mentioned above). I would have preferred the other African Game (title escapes me) as I was interested in the maps so I could finish up the Tunisia Campaign.... and on it goes. It DOES generate more sales, with the provision that the original, base, game is available. That is not the case here, thereby holding up a lot of sales of subsequent games.

THAT is the biggest problem I have with AP.... the rest of it: History, games themselves, design, scenarios are all perfect.

I'll admit that for me I can't wait another year or two for stuff to come out. I may not have that much time.  Confused

08-15-2023, 12:35 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Steel Centurions
 I received the book Steel Centurions today. After a brief looks through, this book is indeed a in-depth study of the Italian Armoured Formations of The Second World War 1940-43 at 439 pages and looks very well done. 
Makes me want AP to push Ochi, the Italian-Greek War 1940-41 into production!
Reconquista, PANISTA, chaco And 6 others like this post
08-27-2023, 01:54 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
One interesting fact by one author, states that the Italian focused more on the Greek War than the North African War. They sent 10,000 vehicles to the Greek front while only sending 2,500 vehicles to the North African front in the Fall of 1940. They also sent much needed armor to the Greek front instead of North Africa where it would have been more useful than the mountains of Albanian & Greece. Tons of supplies and manpower and airpower was also diverted to the Greek War. The North African Campaign would have looked very different if not for this conflict. Interesting as Paolo Morisi states it very well in his book Steel Centurions on page 106.
treadasaurusrex, sagunto, ACav And 10 others like this post
10-18-2023, 10:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 02:40 AM by Shad.)
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
(don't post Gold Club info to this board for non-members please)
10-18-2023, 01:59 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
All my designs I spend a lot of time on and try to get them near perfect but fun to play with balanced scenarios. This one, I felt went maybe even beyond this, as I read books from both sides, Greek and Italian sources and when they differ in accounts, I would go to the internet, to try and get it as close as possible to the best historical battles. This was also a unique subject in WWII that I felt got passed over in most history book, at least in the USA as a sentence or two, which never did this bloody 6 months plus battle any justice. The Italians sent tons a resources and manpower that otherwise would have gone to North Africa and changed the outcome there or at least prolonged it a great deal, which also would have caused the relief of the Eastern Front a greater delay but that is the bigger picture. This battle was fought over some very rough terrain and in very harsh weather where many frostbite casualties would affect both sides. The Battle was in three real main sections or events: The Italian Invasion, The Greek Counter-Attack & the Italian Spring Offense. The Maps from both Conquest of Ethiopia & Crete worked very well, and give a good overall picture of the terrain. The scenarios range from small to large and have a lot of interesting situations and unit types. I am very excited to see this battle published in a PG format. I know gamers will enjoy it as well.
Tubac52, CavDo, Tambu And 12 others like this post
10-24-2023, 01:34 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Italy's Elite, The Deadly Albanian Ice Grinder, The Bayonet Army, just a few of the cool scenarios titles.
ACav, OldPueblo, treadasaurusrex And 1 others like this post
10-24-2023, 02:04 PM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
(10-24-2023, 01:34 AM)JayTownsend Wrote: Italy's Elite, The Deadly Albanian Ice Grinder, The Bayonet Army, just a few of the cool scenarios titles.


      Looking forward to it.  Do you have any books you would recommend for those of us who would like to learn more.  So far all I own is Hollow Legions and Mussolini's Defeat at Hill 731, March 1941 (both in English).  

Miguelibal, Tambu, Tubac52 And 1 others like this post
10-25-2023, 12:36 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-25-2023, 12:38 AM by JayTownsend.)
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
Mike, I liked The Defense and Fall of Greece, by John Carr and it is also in English.

I have also read the above books you mentioned.
cochise75, CavDo, Tambu And 9 others like this post
10-25-2023, 02:13 AM,
RE: Ochi: The Italian Invasion of Greece, 1940
One thing I have done over the last three years, I have purged my book collection to make room for more games. The Korean War I had about 30 books, now maybe 6, Saipan I had above 12 books, now maybe 3, the Italian-Greek War maybe 6 books, now 2 are left and so on for all the rest of my game designs. I figure, that it takes you a year the design a game and then another 3-5 years to see it published, so why keep all those books. I think I have sold or given away at least 150 WWII books. It frees up my space for games. Sure, I might not be able to go back and reference things as easily anymore but there is always the internet as a backup.

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