06-10-2012, 09:53 AM,
Posts: 43
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Joined: Jun 2012
RE: Your first cardboard wargame?
Well, all I seem to remember of 1914 (besides the glossy historical book and pretty map) was dense crowds of multi-unit stacks that constantly fell over (I think I tried to make myself a casino croupier stick out of a coat hanger and tinfoil to push them around), and trying endlessly to bombard some fortress (Douai?) with the German RR guns (which seemed like the coolest counters in the game because they were super-powerful and long-ranged).
Tactical WWI, in 1914 and pre-trench era, might be interesting to play since it's that weird mix of modern artillery, horse cavalry MGs, and no armor yet. I guess that's what PG Infantry Attacks is about, right? Named after Rommel's book on his exploits as a junior infantry officer during that same period.
06-10-2012, 03:26 PM,
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Joined: Jun 2012
RE: Your first cardboard wargame?
One has to have lived in that era of the early AH boxed games like Jutland, Blitzkrieg, 1914, etc., to appreciate how mind-blowing Panzerblitz was when it hit the shelves circa 1970. Revolutionary in so many respects -- really changed the hobby in ways we still see today, and of course might be considered the spiritual ancestor of PG. After that, 1914 seemed especially stale and for me there was no going back...
06-11-2012, 02:36 AM,
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RE: Your first cardboard wargame?
My first game was AH's Midway, followed by The Battle of the Bulge. I was 12 back in 1972. My older brother Carl had several, including Jutland and Luftwaffe and he taught me how to play them. From there, I was hooked. I still own all my AH games over 150.
06-12-2012, 12:51 PM,
Posts: 6
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Joined: Jun 2012
RE: Your first cardboard wargame?
Xmas '82...... Panzer Leader. I was in the 8th grade and deep in the thralls of AD&D and Dad wanted to have a game to play with me. It quickly became obvious that he was in way over his head. He's not an idiot, he just didn't expect there to be so many rules/procedures.... To me the rules were no more byzantine and strange than the AD&D books..... I pressed on and played the game solo for several years. I still have it. I've played a handful of FTF games over the years and my inbred tactics always led to stunning defeats. It always blew (and still blows) mind how opponents did and still do the most unexpected things...
The PLAN never survives first contact....
The same still applies with PG, ATS and all my other games....
06-14-2012, 02:08 AM,
RE: Your first cardboard wargame?
SPI's Foxbat and Phantom, circa 1974. Played the hell out of it before Dad got me AH's Kingmaker and Richtofen's War. After that I was hooked.