09-12-2013, 12:54 AM,
RE: 4th Edition Rules - comment now or forever shut yer trap!
I wouldn't change the assualt tables to give tanks any advantage other than the modifier for combined arms. Most senior commanders were hesitant to send their armor against towns or fortified positions while many armor commanders would withdrawn when enemy infantry was encountered (supporting infantry or not) especially when hand held antitank weapons became widely avaliable. Thanks, Mike
09-12-2013, 01:32 AM,
RE: 4th Edition Rules - comment now or forever shut yer trap!
I believe that infantry should have to pass a morale check to assualt enemy armor. Maybe a -1 modifier to the die roll if friendly armor is also assualting. Thanks, Mike
09-12-2013, 07:09 AM,
Matt W
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RE: 4th Edition Rules - comment now or forever shut yer trap!
I am very uncomfortable with the large number of suggestions relating to improving the performance of armor vs. nonarmor assets in the game. At the same time I understand the desire to use the armor to its greatest effect.
At this point we have almost 1,800 scenarios in print, most of which would experience severe balance issues (even with the ones that are already precariously balanced!) if armor suddenly became substantially more effective. I think the damage to the existing product of such changes would be substantial (having played enough of it to get a feel for the whole span of the system).
Others have raised the fact that the current rules, with certain exceptions, adequately support historical decision-making vis a vis armor management. Indeed, for the most part, armor was a support weapon and attempts to use armor independent of combined arms typically failed abysmally.
Of course, I hate it when a Panther/Tiger or Stalin blows up because some dweeb of an INF gets a "6" roll on the 9 column. I fuss and fume when my carefully planned assault goes haywire because the armor fails its "M" check in first fire and I lose the combined arms bonus and the firepower. But that is sewn into the fabric of the game and it reflects what really happened.
My response on such an issue for Modern would be substantially different as armor came to be used in a very different fashion.
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