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Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
02-24-2023, 09:44 AM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
Quote:Seems to me that 2/3 PLUS 2/3 is 1 1/3...... unless math has changed ever so much over the past 30-40 years. Yes? Then one adds in another hex (along a road) and it's 2 MP for three hexes traveled. Easy peasy! If you ARE a bit short, that's tough. When you're "outta gas, you're outta gas!" (... and the rules are specific on that instance, anyway.)

I think you missed the part where I wrote: " move in clear at 1.5 and then along a road at 2/3..."
CavDo, Miguelibal, Capt. Chaos And 9 others like this post
02-24-2023, 09:45 AM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
(02-24-2023, 09:39 AM)joe_oppenheimer Wrote:
Quote:The only house rules I accept are procedural ones, like, “don’t put your open coke next to the game map.”


I've been called worse... much worse.  Angel
treadasaurusrex, Tambu, Miguelibal And 6 others like this post
02-24-2023, 10:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2023, 10:16 AM by Grognard Gunny.)
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
My post was a two parter; The first part was poking a bit of fun at Chad who messed up his math (I'm sure by accident). However, the second part was aimed at you, BC. 1.5 MP PLUS 2/3 MP would make you perxakly a sixth of a MP short. As I said, "you're outta gas!"

02-24-2023, 10:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2023, 10:40 AM by Grognard Gunny.)
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
My old Africa Corps (AH) game learned that lesson (coke cans next to game map), ever so long ago!  Sad

02-24-2023, 10:56 AM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
(02-24-2023, 09:44 AM)Blackcloud6 Wrote:
Quote:Seems to me that 2/3 PLUS 2/3 is 1 1/3...... unless math has changed ever so much over the past 30-40 years. Yes? Then one adds in another hex (along a road) and it's 2 MP for three hexes traveled. Easy peasy! If you ARE a bit short, that's tough. When you're "outta gas, you're outta gas!" (... and the rules are specific on that instance, anyway.)

I think you missed the part where I wrote: " move in clear at 1.5 and then along a road at 2/3..."

Yeah I suppose going from halves to thirds is a bit clumsy. Joys for years ahead when I get to playing the 4th edition modules I suppose.
CavDo, Reconquista, sagunto And 8 others like this post
02-24-2023, 12:33 PM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
(02-24-2023, 04:44 AM)Shad Wrote: T_C, the problem is 2/3 plus 2/3 is 4/9 and now you actually have moved less! Go another 2/3 and you're at 8/27 and that's just silly.

I want to correct the math here, but I don't want to be the humorless one but this reminds me how politicos keep increasing my taxes and telling me how much less I am paying.
Tambu, treadasaurusrex, CavDo And 6 others like this post

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02-24-2023, 12:37 PM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
Correct what math?

...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
02-24-2023, 09:35 PM,
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
Now, this IS enlightening!  Dodgy

02-24-2023, 11:31 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2023, 11:32 PM by Grognard Gunny.)
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
The first AG game I got had the 3rd Generation rules with it. That's what I played. However, I soon found out that there existed a fourth edition of the rules. I immediately set out to get a set and have gone on from there, disdaining the third set. I will pick up on the "fifth" edition (and disdain the fourth) as soon as it comes out (assuming I am still alive).

Now we are discussing the "Best" set of rules? (.....and here I had thought that the fourth edition was definitive!) Silly me.

02-24-2023, 11:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2023, 11:47 PM by Grognard Gunny.)
RE: Blackcloud’s second lament: Optional Rules, House Rules, and Rules Creep.
Unless you are pulling my leg:  The 2/3 plus 2/3 equals 4/9 math. (You've GOT to be kidding!)

One of the problems with the "calculator generation" (which works with decimals) is that fractions become moot. Even at that, the decimals are added, subtracted, et al., by the machine and the mind does not "bother" with it. Even my wife, only twelve years younger than I, has problems with math.... for exactly that reason.

But I wax prolific. 

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