RE: Conversions to Expansions when Games Are No Longer in Production
Brett does have a good long term point though..the larger and longer the avalanche inventory, the more subcomponents will need to be trimmed to keep avalanche from drowning, a problem that avalon hill, spi, and tsr all run into. Its possible Beyond Normandy may come back as a scenario book with either a new map configuration, or a reprint of the historical map in panel form, but a lot of stuff will inevitably dry up. The two campaigns and commanders books are among my favorite pg products, both k.i.a. due to the necessity to recompose the entire book for the new printer. Likewise White Eagles and the Go For Broke book. Both African games are schedualed to go out of print in the near future.
Guadalcanal will either disappear or be redesigned to comply with the new map system in place down the road.