RE: Transported units and stacking
Rule 5.6 states :
5.6 Transport
A single good-order transport unit may transport one weapon or personnel unit (except cavalry), PLUS up to three leaders. Once loaded, the transport unit and everything it carries count as one unit for stacking, movement and combat purposes. They all move together as one. When loading or unloading, the transport and everything being loaded or unloaded must be in the same hex. Disrupted and demoralized transports cannot load or transport units.
As the rule is specifically in the 'transports' paragraph and it says "One transport UNIT" may transport blah blah. It then all "counts as one unit". I use the interpretation that the counting as "one unit" it alludes to is a transport unit as it neither specifies TRANSPORT unit or COMBAT unit.
Shame this clarification never raised its head before as literally everybody I have played has interpreted it the same ? We could have added that one into the 4th ed.