(01-27-2014, 12:06 AM)vince hughes Wrote: I see that smoke was added as a rule in Lib 44 that will make it quite liberally used in scenarios. However, knowing the sources that were used for research Ican say there is little mention of smoke being used during the battles.
Even if we were to brsh it off as "Used but not mentioned", it can then be argued that the PG smoke is too strong in what it hides.
So, from the earliest design of the games it is fair to say that smoke was not designed into it and that if not wished to be used, or indeed used, but with restriction, there would not be an upset to the original form.
Same for hidden units.
Have you reread the smoke rules recently. Looking at 16.11 it seems to me that using smoke is risky because on a roll of 8 or more you lose that artillery factor or on board mortar or artillery piece for that turn. So its a big decision for the player each time and perhaps not such a factor as you may think.