RE: The Struggle For A Commission: The Diary
Stalemate at St Barthelemy session # 2
Continuing with my between sessions 'Big Games' blog that take far too long to be committed to AAR's. Played against Hugmenot in a second session of this Black SS scenario # 28 tonight. The first session ended with Hugs' Americans edging towards my lines. Today, just 4 more turns were completed as 3 of the 4 turns went the distance practically.
This time, his American infantry have been pressing on my extreme right flank in heavy numbers. Despite removing quite a few steps of Yanks at this location (at least 7 that I remember), his boys managed to push into the dug-in German positions and instigate 3 x assaults. As good as the German on-board artillery has been (I think they removed 5 steps in 4 x 55col bombardments), the German morale has been as conversely poor. My soldiers have been disrupting and demoralising fairly easily and struggling to recover. So the 3 assaults continue as we ready for turn 9 (of 18) and a lot can still happen in and around them.
All this puts a 6 hex town I have to protect nearby in some danger, but its all still quite salvagable (I think !!). The Amis have also been pushing along on my left flank too, but the command control for them here whilst under fire has been disrupted a little, so I still have some time to stabalise this area. Casualties in these 4 turns were German 6 steps, American 11 steps. Running total, German 7 steps, American 16 steps. But its the town and a crossroads he's after. This has been a great 'thinking' scenario for both of us.
Chance of win still 50-50%, so I'd happily take a draw if offered. We will probably get a session in over the Christmas period.