Daniel, I will not doubt that the FoW benefits the defender in large scenarios, but medium and small scenarios as well. My point being I accept this for what it is, extra fate in the game. If it is too much I just take it out, of which I have only done twice.
I will be interest to see what your results for your plays. I assume that with the other statistics you mentioned that you will add something like "turn ended 25, needed s6 more turns to get all that I wanted this turn".
To Vince's point, I have keep stats on turn activations sense that scenario I mentioned in the prior post. This is 3 years work of plays amounting to 48 games, both solo and FtF. Overall play FoW ended 202 turns out of 347 total turns, on average at the 22nd activation for FoW ended turns, activation 28 for non-FoW ended turns and an overall average of 23rd activation ending the turn. I continue to count them although my sample is probably large enough that this won't change too much. But I will thank Wayne for some of the longer turns in our play for Piercing the Line, that pushed it over the 23rd activation mark.
As for this I have just given Vince, Wayne, Daniel and Tony a leg up on my strategy for our next game.