(12-24-2012, 10:20 AM)campsawyer Wrote: With that defense being strung out, I would have the whole lot of Germans go right after the crossroads as that it the key to any German win. Cut that force to pieces and that gets them a minor victory with no Soviets on the northern part of the road. The Soviet left and right are going to have a job to get back to help to defend.
Firstly, "cutting that force to pieces" is not as simple a matter of doing as it is writing. Secondly, the Soviet "right" (2xINF) is only a few hexes away (with movement westward along a road); and those 2xINF "reinforcing elements" on the board edge are also quite close. Thirdly, the "Left" would be able then to counter-attack using the road to move at least as quickly eastwards as the Germans could advance northwards (particularly given the northerly advance on Board 9 would be through LOTS of frozen swamp save for the N/S road). I don't believe that the Soviet "left" in my set-up is as isolated as you suggest given observation of an all-out German move north along the road or even via a "right hook" approach. {guess I should articulate for others that right/left are based on north being "up."} In point of fact, the westernmost Soviet units are no farther from the cross-roads than the entering SS units.
One might advocate a hold-the-crossroads with everything, sure. One of the nice things about the SotM is that we get to see what different approaches yield. Still, I don't usually like to button-up the defense completely.