RE: Editing icons on posts
Holy crap! that is BASIC - truly old school basic with line numbers and everything
That card is still in pretty good shape.
It looks like a loop initializing different two-dimensional array variables to zero
(The colons are code separators denoting the "end of the line" or concatenating code lines.) .
In a "modern" dev environment, the code would look like this:
(the previous card must have had a "FOR J = 1 to something" line)
407 M(1,J) = M(2,2*J-1)
410 NEXT J
420 FOR J = 1 TO 100
425 T(2,J) = 0
426 S(2,J) = 0
427 M(2,J) = 0
Yeah, I am a geek, but it ended up turning into a fairly well-paying gig...