(11-08-2012, 12:37 AM)larry marak Wrote: Even the rich new owner (Kurt Schilling) had to establish limits on how much he was going to sink into the new MMP tactical wargame publishing consortium.
I remember laughing out loud when I bicycled home from work and found the first half of Imperial Grenadier, Infantry Attacks, on my porch. I had given up all hope for Avalanche at that point.
Curt Schilling invested a lot more in '38 Studio and the way he recovered some of his money just before the company became insolvent is ... rather dubious. We'll see what the courts decide.
Curt Schilling, so hard core about speaking against any government involvement in private businesses until his private studio was at risk. Then cry, cry. cry, the government should do more to save the fiasco I created. I followed the whole '38 Studio saga on Gamasutra and the more I read what Schilling said, the more I came to profoundly dislike him.