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Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule
4 hours ago,
RE: Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule
@BigJimSlade - there are a fair few instances of things being changed for the worse and errors being added during the PG publication process in the steps after the developer turns in the content and before it goes to printing. The most egregious episode that I recall is Cassino 44, in which the developer felt conpelled to publish his original rules because the final copy deviated so far from his vision.

In short, it might be the dev's fault, but it also very much might not. And ultimately the blame lies with the publisher regardless. Finding such mistakes are precisely the editor's role. Lastly, poor Leonard is not getting any of your money you can be sure.
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...

Messages In This Thread
Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule - by leonard - 02-28-2025, 03:26 AM
RE: Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule - by BigJimSlade - Yesterday, 12:42 PM
RE: Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule - by Shad - 4 hours ago

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