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Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule
Yesterday, 03:26 AM,
Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule
When reading the special rules of scenario 34 "Tank battle at Pázmand", as published, I suspect there is an error in special rule 4 "Mire". Last sentence of that rule is "Substract one from the Mire die roll result". It should be "Add one to the Mire die roll result". The tanks should be mired on a dr = 1, only. Otherwise they won't move very far...
For reference, my original (and much lighter) rule was:Muddy ground. When there is a natural tie on the die roll for initiative at the beginning of the turn (both players roll the same result before any modifiers are applied), there is Mud Event. Roll one die. On a result of 1 through 2 the event affects Soviets; on a result of 3 to 6 the event affects Germans. The player affected then selects one of his AFV unit (not one already Mired) being not in a road or town hex. This vehicle is Mired (See Mire optional rule on page 38).
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Fire & Sword Mud-Mire rule - by leonard - Yesterday, 03:26 AM

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