I remembered why I am not crazy about playing KSF when I took the counters out in preparation for a Skype game tomorrow; just take a look at the attached pictures.
1. The Soviet Guards background color is too dark; very difficult for me to read the DF values at a normal distance.
2. The Soviet RKKA background is more grey than light green. It may not be apparent from the attached picture, but the background is too close to the grey German counters.
3. The German SS background is darker and the brown was replaced by salmon pink. Again, it's more difficult to read the DF value than on any other German SS counter.
They're not a showstopper by any means but it's annoying, especially considering I do not have perfect corrected vision.
Please note Matt's KSF counters are much cleaner than mine; in fact his counters look gorgeous. I've seen the War on the Equator laser-cut counters and they are fantastic. I will see the Indian Unity counters in a week and, if they are good, I will assume the problems were resolved and I will purchase Nihon Silk.
I have included a picture of my homemade counters just to show how they look up close, when compared to the KSF counters.