(03-02-2023, 12:52 AM)cjsiam Wrote: One of the things being missed (me thinks) is that Activation is either "Activated to MOVE" or "Activated to FIRE" --- there is no just "ACTIVATED" State.
So when it says the Leader must be activated to contribute his fire modifier---that MEANS he has to be Activated to FIRE
What's missing is what you just said being anywhere in the rules as written
6.42 has no requirement for type of activation.
On the contrary, Rule 14.4 for assisting morale recovery is explicit:
14.4 Recovery
Only a successful recovery attempt can repair the degraded morale status of a unit or leader. When players attempt to improve the morale status of their demoralized and disrupted units it is called "recovery." Units may recover with the assistance of an activated leader, or on their own. Units attempting recovery and leaders assisting them must be activated and may conduct no other action that turn. Place a Moved/Fired marker on any unit that attempts recovery (whether it is successful or not), and any leader who assists a recovery attempt.
This explicit wording in 14.4 and the absence of same in 6.42 is ...